Kamis, 07 November 2013


Jayagiri, i've been gone there for more than once, i forgot exactly i've went there. But, the last i went to this place on last month. Jayagiri, is a place which a lot of people hiking, it near with Mt.Tangkuban Parahu and can be the pass way to go Mt.Tangkuban Parahu. 
     Jayagiri has a beautiful view,it's very natural, it has a lot of tree, bush, grass,etc. Your eyes will be pampered by this view, you'll felt happy, comfort and i guarantee you'll stand for a long time in this place. Because that, some people camp in this place, or go here just to refresh their mind from busy activity.


     Ok, now i'll talk about this blog. maybe a lot of you will think, why i choose "sheet of journey" for this header?because, i'll share my journey, like the last post, i share you about eat, because i love eat, and i think i can share a good place to you to hangout. And sure, i'll tell you about a lot of place which i've ever go and that's nice place. Beside that, the next post tell about my habit, my classmates, or everything what happen in my life. And  i hope you can take something positive from my blog. Ohya! i'm so sorry if i've mistakes from my grammar, because i still learn about it. So, enjoy my blog :)

Senin, 04 November 2013

Eat! Eat! Eat!

       Eat! waw everybody loves to eat, i love to eat. i love to explore food from bandung. i love to eat in every place. and one of my favourite food is Surabi. Surabi is one of popular food from Bandung. it's made from coconutmilk and pour by kinca. kinca is sauce made from brown sugar. But now, it transform, surabi has a lot of variant, there was cheese,chocholate,fruit jam, mayonaise,etc.
      The most popular Surabi is surabi setiabudhi and surabi enhaii. the restaurant is so close, there was in the same street. the taste from these resaturant is very delicious. you can choose any taste because there was has alot of variant. from sweet until spicy, and don't call Bandung if the price is expensive. So, the price is very cheap


     Swim, is one of my hobbies. i love swim since i was child, when i visited my uncle in Garut, my father alwasys brought me to Cipanas,and teached me how to swim, for the first time i got scared, but now i love it.
    When i sat in second grade in junior highschool twice in a month i always swam, but now maybe just once a month i go to swim. place which i love to swim in bandung is Sabuga and Upi, because it's comfort place, and the deep pool is big enough. we can real swim in this place,not just play like a little child. 
   Swimmingpool in Upi, is bigger than Sabuga. but the price cheaper than sabuga.It has 3 swim pool,1 for child, 1 for adults and the last which depth of 4 meters for athelete or for leran to dive. you just have to pay around 10.000 rupiah.

                                       Address : Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154
                                       Price      : IDR 10.000
                                      Open     : Sunday-Monday



     2011. this year i sat in second grade in my school, and absolutely i have new class! my name wrote in XI IPA 2, i'm not excited got this class,cause why?cause i still love in my old class that's X-1. for the first time i didn't like this class,cause my best friend sat in the other class,their name is D,R and H. but  H is moved from other class to my class.
     Okey, i'm happy when H moved to my class,but i still sad because we not together anymore, we separated, H in me in IPA 2, but D and R in IPA 3.
    Time changed people changed. that's word happen to me, it's around 3 months ,ipa 2 became family, we share,we talk,and we love each others. the time that make us become one is, when we have study tour to DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta). that's study tour in march.
    We got BUS 2 to yogyakarta. all of people were happy and whole of us very excited to go to this place. and the day came.
   We went at 4 a.m . all of us very happy. Along the way we sang, my friends lead, she sang dangdut, every body dance, every body sang, and every body laugh. But, in the middle of the way, when the road like a labirin, a half of student got dizzy, not just girl but boy too. in this accident, our solidarity tested, the girl and the boy who still strong help anybody who vomit, and we massage them, we gave them a medicine, and after that because we got tired of this accident, everybody slept.